We’ve compiled the most common questions we’ve been getting below. Please reach out if we don’t have yours listed.
Will it cost me anything?
In order to legally receive commission you’ll need to obtain your real estate license, so your initial investment would be in the range of $750 - 850 (depending on which school you enroll in). That covers real estate school, testing & licensing fees. The upfront time investment is 90 hours of classroom time + testing. Every two years you will have costs associated with continuing eduction (usually you can find a package deal online for $75-150) and license renewal fees of $45.
How could real estate school fit into my schedule?
There is 90 hours of pre-licensing tuition required to sit for the state exam. Several schools offer online classes, and some are even self-paced so you can work at your own pace, as your schedule allows. If you’d prefer in-person, classroom style learning is available on a fixed schedule during the weekdays, in the evenings or on the weekends. Email [email protected] for a list of schools we recommend checking out.
What is the time requirement moving forward, and how much work are we talking?
It depends on your personal goal for your referral income, we’ll build a plan for you based on your goals. We’d suggest planning to block a minimum of 2 hours a week to focus on identifying potential opportunities for yourself (we’ll teach you how!), but honestly the bulk of the “work” is connecting with people you know so when you hear of real estate needs, you can help connect them with someone great who can help. You’d be surprised how naturally those conversations can happen, when you know what to listen for.
What is the likelihood I'll be successful?
The best part about this program is that it’s really just about maintaining and strengthening relationships with people you already know. Those who are well connected, or “people people” will naturally find this easier than folks who are more introverted, or those who don’t feel like you know a bunch of people. But we wholeheartedly believe that anyone can do this - if you have friends and family who like you & trust you, then you have the ability to find opportunities for yourself within those relationships.
What if I'm actually looking for a career change?
Then let’s setup a time to chat! As you’ve heard us say - some of our best agents were teachers, so we know this could be a great opportunity for you. When looking for people to join our team, we pride ourselves on finding good people and helping them successfully navigate a career change. We’ll help you evaluate whether or not our industry would be a good fit for you, and if you decide it is, we’ll help you with a transition plan & support you every step of the way.
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